Portraits through the space. Paula Delgado from @_ound at her studio/home in A Coruña, July 2018. Paula’s project consists of the production of sustainable clothing using silk dyed with artisanal pigments obtained from food and plant residues. Taken last summer, these photos show not only her hand-made dyeing process, but also the beautiful, rich and daring space that Paula arranged as her studio for almost a year.
Portraits through the space. Paula Delgado from @_ound at her studio/home in A Coruña, July 2018. Paula’s project consists of the production of sustainable clothing using silk dyed with artisanal pigments obtained from food and plant residues. Taken last summer, these photos show not only her hand-made dyeing process, but also the beautiful, rich and daring space that Paula arranged as her studio for almost a year.